30 June 2008

another day, another daylily

We are gearing up for a daylily explosion. There are more buds than I have ever seen. They seem to like the new house (can I still call it that? we've been here over a year now) as much as the humans do. Or maybe it is the worm castings I fed them. Who knows?

I am hoping to get my daylily connection to visit my little Flickr set and remind me of the names of each variety. I have about a dozen different varieties now, though I have pictures of less than half. If all goes well, I'll have pics of everything before the end of the season. 

I had a nice little map of the daylily bed at the old house but it was so hard to dig up pieces of each one that I gave up trying to keep them organized. Add to that the new ones I planted this year and I'm completely lost.

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