15 October 2008

people you should meet

I had the pleasure of meeting a slew of interesting people at Blogher, and I hope to introduce you to many of them through their blogs in future posts. Blogher got started with an amazing round of "speed dating." I don't know how long it went on but we had sixty seconds to meet a blogger and share info before moving on to the next. Cards were extremely useful in this context, but hardly a requirement. Bloggers seem remarkably able to convey the essence of their blogs in a sentence or two and happy to share URLs by whatever means were available, even, you know it, pen and paper!

If you only visit one site of all the ones I am going to mention, make it wowowow.com. Seriously. I don't know how I didn't hear about this one before Blogher but I am hooked now. Smart women, engaging in a daily conversation on an important topic. It doesn't get much better than that.

There were a few bloggers I thought would be there and I was hoping to meet them. I stalked them throughout the day, finally meeting them at the cocktail party. Goon Squad Sarah and PunditMom (Happy 25 x 2 Birthday!) were all that AND a bag of chips. And for proof I really did meet Sarah (and compare fantasy football scores with her), I offer this bit of photographic evidence:

BlogHer DC 2008 Party

Originally uploaded by shashiBellamkonda

The other bloggers pictured are Wineplz and De (thanks for the cookie!). As I camped out with my wine, bloggers cruised by the table to see Sarah, including Jodifur (go Steelers!). I was just a very happy groupie.


PunditMom said...

Oh, I'm BLUSHING here! It was great to meet you, too!

caramama said...

I wish had stayed till the end of the cocktail party! Sounds like it was fun and full of more networking.

Great getting to meet you and get to know you!