06 July 2008

son-day on the potty

After another day of Oliver in underwear, I think we are going to admit defeat for now. He did pretty well today but I can tell it's not quite time for him to make the leap for real. It's not a total loss, however. We seem to have established a few good habits that we will continue, such as a trip to the potty upon waking up in the morning, after nap, and before bed. 

Poop? Just.not.happening. At least today he told me he pooped, rather than denying the giant load I could see yesterday. Small steps.... Still, it's strange to me that poop is a problem. Our prior forays into potty-land have had more success with poop than with pee. This time it's the complete opposite and I have no theories as to why.


KG said...

I, too, am surprised by the poop. It seems that the urge to poo is much more easily recognizable even in babies than the urge to pee. And it would also seem that the urge to NOT HAVE A GIANT REEKING LOAD IN ONE'S PANTS ought to also motivate to get thee hence to the toilet.

ClumberKim said...

Alas, Oliver has never cared one iota about a pantload of poo. His sister, on the other hand, hates to have so much as a cheerio sized poo marble in her diaper.

Maybe they are going to figure this out together....

Quarantine Hobby said...

Huh, that's interesting about the poo.

Well, at least you gave it a shot! I'm not looking forward to potty training at all. At least I still have a long time to go before I can consider it...

Unknown said...

Is his diet different from what it was the last time he tried? I'm wondering if he may be getting a lot more fruits and vegetables now, so that the bowel movements are quick and easy.