29 July 2006

hello, my name is Anna

It's been too many days since I blogged. That's not to say I haven't been thinking about it, but the brain has been overrun by thoughts of the Topic That Must Not Be Blogged (hereafter known as TTMNBB). Someday, maybe.

And when I haven't been thinking about TTMNBB, I've been in a funk over not going to Blogher. Though I know I'm not nearly hip enough, and would have felt like an imposter in the presence of greatness, I still wanted to go. Next year, maybe.

You're really here to find out the latest Oliver news so I'll just get on with it. He's going through a verbal phase. He is now asking for his current favorite books, Go Dog Go and Good Dog Carl, by name. (No, you wouldn't be able to understand him but the universal translator that was installed via my epidural works just fine.) He points at the logo on our laptops and says "Apple"! (How's that for corporate shill?)He says "shoes" too.

He is starting to call his classmates by name, with his teachers reporting hearing him say "Alex" and "Anna" on Friday. He also said something vaguely like "Ezra" when I picked him up. He always says "Anna" very emphatically. ANNA!! Unfortunately, he called CD and me "Anna" today. I'm not sure he really has it associated with Annaliese, his classmate.

Oliver and Daddy
Friday night we went to dinner at the house of some friends outside the city. Oliver was nearly angelic. Given his interest in all things social, I expected him to rise to the occasion but he surprised me by doing even better than I could have imagined. He ate like a champ at dinner, including some chocolate cupcake *yum*.
chocolate cupcake with yellow frosting
He was cheerful and played with our friends' three year old. I was amazed at how well he held it together well past bedtime. He fell asleep a few minutes after we got in the car to come home, and let me change his diaper and put him in his crib without waking up. He even slept a little later on Saturday and took a nearly 3 hour nap, after a jam-packed morning of shoe shopping (for Oliver), picking up the conversion kit for his crib, and a trip to the grocery store.

The sleep thing continues to get better and better. Today he slept until 8:30am, and took a 2 hour nap in the middle of the day. Tomorrow could be a challenge. We have to leave early to take CD to the airport. I warned Oliver, but I'm not sure he was paying attention.

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