25 July 2006

weigh-in tuesday

Weigh-ins all around today. Oliver had his delayed 15 month visit to the doc. He's tipping the scales at just over 25 pounds and has grown about 11 inches since birth, which puts him just about average for his age. Perhaps the best news is that the two shots he got today are the LAST until he's four.

shark attack

I also had a weigh-in at Weight Watchers today and the news was good. I hit my 10% goal, and did it a week earlier than I hoped. That's over 17 pounds lost since returning to WW at the end of April. I am now just a shade below what I weighed when I got pregnant.


Elizabeth said...

Good for you! That's awesome!!!

Becka said...

I'm here from BloggingBaby and I just wanted to let you know I have a 15 month old Oliver, too. Not a name you hear very much these days!