02 February 2008

FFF - baking is chemistry

Fabulous Food Friday is here on Saturday. It seems all I have to do is schedule a great breakfast out with Andrea and there's automatically a weather event that causes a two-hour delay in her kids' school districts. So I opted to make my own tasty treat, Madeleines. I thought about it on Friday. Does that count?

Since baking is chemistry, I pre-measure everything. I even remembered to get the eggs to room temperature. That's them sitting with the apples and pears in the grey felt thingy (that I love almost as much as my minivan).

The recipe I use is from Baking with Julia. Can't figure out what to do with the cup of confectioner's sugar it calls for, since it is never mentioned, and the oven is little too hot, but otherwise it's pretty straightforward. It does have a few too many steps and uses a few too many bowls, but the results are worth the effort. It has been at least three moves, and quite possibly four, since I used the madeleine plaque. The new kitchen greatly improves the process though. I'll try to make them a little more often, even though they got a little too brown, and Oliver declared his preference for the ones at Starbucks. (He's wrong about that. Mine were decidedly lighter and fluffier). 

More pics of the process and finished product on Flickr.

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