17 June 2006

he's bookish on his mum

Oliver has an adorable new habit (until it becomes annoying, but not yet). When he brings a book to me he also takes my hand and opens it by pulling on the thumb so it will hold the book to his satisfaction. I have tried hiding my hand and he always "finds" it, insisting on putting the book directly into my hand. I know I'm not describing this very well. It really needs a video.

He is also trying very hard to say "yellow". It sounds a lot like what he says when he wants to read Moo Baa La La La, but not exactly the same. We've been putting a little extra emphasis on colors for about a week and it seems to be sinking in. He hasn't had any new words for a while but seems to be just about to explode with them. Maybe he'll even say "mum" someday....

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