06 June 2006

green-eyed monster

I really should be happier for all my favorite bloggers who are pregnant. The announcements have been coming at a fast clip lately. First Melissa had Spuds. Gerah is due tomorrow. Mrs Big Dubya spilled the beans, or rather, Mr Big Dubya did, a couple of weeks ago. Now today it's Mainely Madge with the big news. Shoot, even Metrodad and Bosslady have pulled the goalie.

As sure as I was that I could not possibly do the baby thing ever again after Oliver's birth, here I am, just as everyone said I would be, beyond ready to jump on the train for one more ride. (Exactly one, thank you. No more than that. Twins? No, not so much this time, please.) More like mad as hell it isn't proving to be as simple as last time. How the hell did this happen? I've gone from "the war zone" (aka, episio... nope, sorry, I can't even type the word without a can of dermoplast in my hand) to "hurt me again please", faster than you can say E.P.T.

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