09 January 2006

still standing

It is full day number 8 without CD, but we're holding up okay. I think he will be surprised to discover how much he has missed. Oliver is now pulling up on me (though not yet on things) and has even "cruised" from me over to the sofa. He's very pleased with himself.

All of this mobility is leading to more falling and bumping of his head. Nothing major yet, but we've had a few tense moments. I'm trying the approach of telling him he's fine and laughing about it while I comfort him. Thus far, it is working well and he's bouncing back quickly.

We had two video chats with CD over the weekend. CD's new employer is keeping him well occupied during the day and the timezone problem is such that one of us tends to be sleeping when the other is available to chat during the week. The technology worked well though and Oliver seemed to be catching on, once he stopped trying to look behind my laptop screen. Enlarging the window helped a lot. I left a still image of CD waving on my screen and Oliver wanted to look at it many times after our chat was over.

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