25 September 2005

moody bitches

How many is too many? We have one in the house. Do I hear two? How 'bout three moody bitches?

Penguin is in season. Piper will surely follow in a few days. The last time this happened I was so pregnant I could barely bend over to get their snazzy pants off before sending them outside. There were a few accidents. They were not pretty. New pants have been procured.

As for me, Aunt Flo hasn't visited since June 28, 2004, a date that will live in infamy...or at least my permanent medical record. For nine or so months, I was asked for that date, the magical LMP, by a medical professional every few weeks. Now that Oliver has started ingesting nourishment other than breastmilk, it probably won't be long before she makes a return visit. He's still breastfeeding as much as ever though, so it's possible I'll have a few more months off. It's a tough call to say which part of pregnancy I enjoyed more, AF's absence or not having to clean the litter box.

Oliver tried sweet potatoes last night along with his oatmeal. So far, he's digging anything that is delivered on a spoon. This morning I decided to see if he would object to cold sweet potatoes. Nope. It's all good. I don't even warm the breastmilk I mix in with the oatmeal. I am hoping to find barley cereal today. Alternating the rice and oatmeal leads to fairly explosive results. I had two bags of messy clothes to bring home on Friday. And one of the educators at Oliver's school ended up with poopy footprints on her shirt. At the rate he's going, between his hurling and pooping, the Infant Wing educators are going to clean out the school's supply of spare t-shirts before the first month is over. I think Oliver is going to forego the rice for a while.

Here's a pic for Kate, taken yesterday. It fits!

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