10 June 2006

now with extra woo woo

We have guests for the weekend, of the white and furry Clumber variety. Luka and Sherman (pictured) are visiting. Oliver isn't sure this is a good thing. They bark a lot and don't sound at all like Penguin and Chewy. They try to push him over and drown him with Clumber drool. It's getting better as everyone gets used to each other but last night was kind of rough (see below). Oliver continues to be very unsure about Sherman and generally bursts into tears if Sherman gets close. This is odd because it is Luka who most wants to push him around and lick him. You'd think Luka was a herding dog, not a flushing spaniel.

The boys, especially Luka, are not accustomed to retiring to crates in a room by themselves. They were not shy about sharing their feelings. I tried letting Luka be loose, then Sherman, but they tried to scratch through the door and the gate. Finally at 4am, after they woke Oliver, which happened at 3 but it took me an hour to get him back to sleep, I joined the boys in their room. Somehow this seemed to make it all better. Luka snuggled up to me on the bed and Sherman went in one of the crates (go figure!) and we all slept peacefully for two whole hours. It's a good thing I really love these guys...and that in our neighborhood sending them out to play in traffic at 4am was a pretty futile proposition.

Sherman is Piper's half brother and a number of his traits are reminiscent of her. He quickly found her spot on the couch. He too seems to be a bear of very little brain, but incredibly endearing. He barks at the drop of a hat, mostly at people walking by the house, just like she did, but frequently I see and hear no reason for the barks at all. Perhaps someone in New Zealand dropped a breadcrumb? Luka always joins in, though if I didn't know better I would think he'd been de-barked because his bark is very quiet (relatively speaking). Penguin can't resist making it a Clumber Chorus. Chewy, of course, snoozes through all such doings. Deafness has its virtues.

I think tonight I'll just head for the guest room and snuggle up with the boys. It's kind of chilly...a two Clumber night.

And Tara, if you're reading, Sherman ate his whole meal TWICE today. I think that may be a record!


Unconscionable said...

"Bear of very little brain" ???!!!!!

Sherman bids me to warn you that when he finally gets his opposable thumbs for his next birthday he is going to ride his pony over to your house and “…baste that little screaming person with can of pink string foam.” He feels that this would be the most intelligent and mature solution to what he believes to be a gross mischaracterization of his essential intellectual qualities.

An apology now, in the form of several cookies, might prevent what is sure to escalate into an international incident.

ClumberKim said...

Oliver says the string foam sounds like fun (blue please, not pink) but I will indeed cough up the cookies. Sherman can't have his pony back though.